Monday, November 18, 2013

Process Relinquish

Relinquish 1
tonight, as cool air flows through your window, paving its way across your eye lids and making a path through your curls
as you sleep next to your lover
your dreams will lead you
through corridors I have made which tunnel within the strands of the dying genetic material of each wisp wound close to your head
you will see me through those gateways
you will come to me through the pathways of dreams which are bound to your tresses
I am still knotted up and bound to your crimson sun-kissed locks
fitted to your scent
laced to your words and deeds and experiences

it is of no matter what you desire, you cannot brush me out

Relinquish 2
The expression better to have loved and lost does not suffice
It is in the lost where it resides
The moment when you know that you cannot be there
You cannot have that
You cannot be THE one
But the appreciation of the lost
When you know
What was the better fit
The better glove
The better love
It is ok
It hurts
Until the drum
The rhythm
The significance of that other person in their life
Til you realize
It was HER that made him
(Dare I say) completed
That is it
When you say
That drum
Beat to the right rhythm
And the drummers
The lovers
Are in line
And lost
But not gone
But creating a small rhythm
In your heart that you can dance to