I have not been in much of a writing mood these days. So, for my holiday greeting from Kabul, I present to you…
Things I’m Thankful for from 2011 (drum roll please)
I am Thankful for…
my niece and nephew (even though now talking to me on skype is boooorrrring)
family, always and forever, no matter how weird they can be
skiing, climbing and hiking in Montana (still the place of my dreams)
tough lessons learned
feeling a spectrum of emotions
the Arab spring, and the knowledge that people can fight for what they believe in
people who believe in me and not believing in the people who don’t
breaking rules that are meant to be broken
spur of the moment trips
friends who love me, and take me in with open arms
laughing my ass off with new friends in kabul
not taking things too seriously
lovely moments alone
creative expression
cold to the bone weather
my colleagues
the comforts of my home and learning to appreciate them
experiencing a new culture
exercise (even on a treadmill in a dungeon!)
being taken in by strangers and connecting instantly
no expectations
my mom still doing my banking after all these years
my dad still telling me to exercise when my heart hurts or I am too stressed
a summer in Montana with amazing women (more in 2012?)
learning something new nearly every day
the warm sun in Kabul no matter the season
mountains, oh the mountains!
dancing until I no longer feel anything but the groove
music and a concert here and there
experiencing a former home once again
Skype and keeping in touch long distance
good food and experiencing new cuisine
health and still kicking it at this ripe old age
love, whether I have it or not
old friends who never get old to me
making amends and finding friendship under the layers of past
road trips
hot springs and soaking in the buff
wine(or whiskey) and conversation
I might have to add more to this list as I read it again, but it is time to start dreaming of what might be ahead for this year. Happy New Year everyone, may all your coming adventures be momentous . Much love!